Zipper Door Kit For Twelve (Twin Zippers) Large Doors (90" Wide or Less)
In This Kit You Will Receive Everthing Needed, Shown Below
Enough Materials To Create Twelve Zipper Door With A Twin Zipper Opening
(Upto 90" Wide X 90" High)
This Package Includes:
1 Roll Of 8' x 100' Clear Poly Plastic Sheeting
(Continuous Roll 4 Mil Thickness)
7 Rolls Of Zip Up Containment Tape
(Easy Release Tape On One Side And Duct Tape On The Other Side)
12 Boxes Of Zip-Up Self Adhesive Zippers
(2 Zippers Per Box - 24 Total Zippers)
If We Were To Tell You That You Could Easily Put Up A Zipper Door In Minutes Because:
The Sheet Plastic Is The Perfect Length For Creating Upto 12 Doors 90" Wide X 90" High
Double Folded Roll, Compact To Carry From Job To Job!
The Plastic Sheeting Is Clear, This Allows Light Through But Contains The Debris.
The Plastic Sheeting Is A Strong 4 MIL Thick Material.
Zip Up Zippers Are Made For High Traffic And High Demand Areas.
Zip Up Zippers Are Created For Convienence, With Two Sided Pulls (Easy In & Out).
Zip Up Containment Tape Is The Best Product To Protect Your Customer's Walls and Trim.
Zip Up Containment Tape Is Designed To Quickly Get The Job Done.
Zip Up Containment Tape Will Hold Your Plastic Sheeting In Place.
This Video Shows You How Easy It Is To Make A Zipper Door:

1- Your tape is placed around your opening (top, left, right, and bottom or floor)
2- Peel off the white backing on the tape that is facing you. This exposes the duct tape side of the tape
3 & 4- Adhere poly sheeting to exposed tape (should be cut in advance to extend over the outside edge of the tape edge border on all sides, top, and bottom of the opening).
5- Apply your zipper to your sheeting single zipper (as shown) to twin zipper if needed.
6- After the containment is not needed, peel off the sheeting which will bring the tape with the sheeting and no damage to the finished wall or floor and no tape residue**
- HEPA RRP compliant Vacuum Cleaners
- Tyvek suits in Large, Extra Large and 2XL, Suits Without Attached Booties, Suits With Attached Booties
- Vinyl gloves and Work gloves
- Contamination Control Sticky Mats - Sold by single mats or a 4 pack (Best Value)
- Safety Glasses (very economical)
- N100 respirators - 3M Reuseable or Gerson Disposable
- The Clean Up Packages (3 Different Packages, Depending On Your Project Size)
- The Supply Packages (4 Different Packages, Depending On Your Project Size)
Most orders ship within two business days and ship with FedEx Ground Service for Commercially Zoned Business Addresses or FedEx Home Delivery for Residential Delivery
(Confirm estimated ship times by checking item availability description at the top of each item)
**Please note: There is no guarantee that damage can not occur if care is not used when removing this product from finished surfaces. Doors used as an entrance to the work area must be covered with plastic sheeting or other impermeable material in a manner that allows workers to pass through while confining dust and debris to the work area. The RRP Rule establishes performance standards that the contractor must meet, but does not specify how the contractor must meet them. This allows the contractor flexibility in how to comply with the requirement to ensure that no dust or debris leaves the work area. As with any government / EPA standards, some states have their own rules and any program should be reviewed for its validity in your location.